Measures: New HIV diagnoses, New AIDS diagnoses, PLWDH, Viral suppression among PLWDH
Years: 2010-2021
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, county
Filters: sex, age, race, risk
Measures: New HIV diagnoses, New AIDS diagnoses, Number of deaths among PLWDH, PLWDH, Viral suppression among PLWDH
Years: 2010-2021
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough, UHF neighborhood
Filters: gender, age, race, risk
44,046 individuals who filled PrEP prescriptions in 2021
Measures: Persons who filled at least one PrEP prescription
Years: 2014 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, NYC citywide, borough
Filters: sex, age, race/ethnicity, coverage type (Medicaid/Non-Medicaid)
2,873 Medicaid recipients who filled PEP prescriptions in 2021
Measures: Medicaid-insured persons who filled at least one PEP prescription
Years: 2012 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, NYC citywide, borough
Filters: Medicaid group, age, gender, race/ethnicity
29% of NYC residents used a condom at last sex
54% of NYC residents with 3+ sex partners used a condom at last sex
Measures: Condom use at last sex
Years: 2013 – 2020
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough
Filters: sex, age, race/ethnicity, among MSM, number of sex partners
99% decrease in the number of newborns with perinatal HIV infection from 1997-2020
Measures: Perinatal HIV transmission and rate of newborns with perinatal HIV infection
Years: 1997 – 2020
Geographic levels: NYS statewide
Filters: None
Measures: Ever tested for HIV, tested for HIV in the past 12 months
Years: 2011 – 2020
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region
Filters: sex, age, race/ethnicity, risk (MSM)
Measures: Tested for HIV in the last 12 months, never tested
Years: 2007 – 2020
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough, UHF neighborhood
Filters: sex, age, race/ethnicity, risk (MSM)
HIV Care Continuum among People Newly Diagnosed with HIV (NYS)
Measures: New HIV diagnoses, linkage to care within 3 months/30 days, viral suppression within 3/6/12 months of diagnosis
Years: 2010 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, county
Filters: sex, age, race, risk
HIV Care Continuum among People Newly Diagnosed with HIV (NYC)
Measures: New HIV diagnoses, linkage to care within 3 months/30 days, viral suppression within 3/6/12 months of diagnosis
Years: 2010 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough, UHF neighborhood
Filters: gender, age, race, risk
Measures: New HIV diagnoses, concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnoses, linkage to care within 30 days/3 months/12 months, viral suppression within 3/6/12 months of diagnosis
Years: 2010 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, county
Filters: sex, age, race, risk
Measures: New HIV diagnoses, concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnoses, linkage to care within 30 days/3 months/12 months, viral suppression within 3/6/12 months of diagnosis, median CD4 count at diagnosis
Years: 2010 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough, UHF Neighborhood
Filters: sex, age, race, risk
HIV Care Continuum among People Living with HIV (NYS)
Measures: People living with HIV, evidence of care, retention in care, viral suppression
Years: 2012 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, county
Filters: sex, age, race/ethnicity, risk
HIV Care Continuum among People Living with HIV (NYC)
Measures: People living with HIV, evidence of care, retention in care, viral suppression
Years: 2012 – 2021
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough, UHF Neighborhood
Filters: gender, age, race/ethnicity, risk
NYS Quality Corner: Organizational HIV Treatment Cascades
Measures: HIV treatment cascades for 13 HIV care providers in NYS, beginning with all PLWDH who recieved any service from said care provider during the calendar year
Years: 2016
Geographic levels: NYS statewide
Filters: None
18% of deaths among PLWH directly related to HIV (2020)
Measures: Number of deaths among PLWH, Percentage of deaths directly related to HIV/AIDS
Years: 2014 – 2020
Geographic levels: NYS statewide
Filters: None
2.3 deaths per 1,000 PLWDH due to an HIV-related cause (2020)
Measures: Number of deaths among PLWDH, death rate among PLWDH, death rate due to HIV-related cause, and death rate due to non-HIV-related cause
Years: 2010 – 2020
Geographic levels: NYC citywide, borough, UHF Neighborhood
Filters: gender, age, race, risk
Measures: Number of HIV/AIDS-related hospitalizations, rate of HIV/AIDS-related hospitalizations among total pop, rate of HIV/AIDS-related hospitalizations among PLWDH
Years: 2009 – 2017
Geographic levels: NYS statewide, Ryan White Region, county
Filters: sex, age, race/ethnicity