About the ETE Dashboard
Background: Ending the AIDS Epidemic Initiative
On June 29, 2014, New York State detailed a three-point plan to move us closer to the end of the AIDS epidemic in New York State. The goal is to achieve the first ever decrease in HIV prevalence in New York State.
The three-point plan:
- Identifies persons with HIV who remain undiagnosed and link them to health care.
- Links and retains persons diagnosed with HIV in health care to maximize virus suppression so they remain healthy and prevent further transmission.
- Facilitates access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for persons who engage in high-risk behaviors to keep them HIV negative.

On October 14, 2014, New York State announced the members of the Ending the Epidemic Task Force, which was established to support New York State’s three-point plan.
The Task Force provided expert advice to the AIDS Institute on implementation and monitoring strategies, focusing on New York State’s highly successful existing HIV prevention and care efforts to identify undiagnosed persons; link and retain infected individuals in care; and utilize biomedical interventions such as pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent infections among high-risk individuals, while addressing stigma and discrimination to reduce associated health disparities.
The ETE Task Force developed and synthesized recommendations, presented in New York’s Blueprint to End the Epidemic. More information on New York State’s initiative to End the AIDS Epidemic can be found here.
Launch of ETE Dashboard
A key recommendation included in the 2015 ETE Blueprint is to extend and enhance the use of data to track and report progress on ending the epidemic in New York, including “The creation of a web-based, public facing, Ending the Epidemic Dashboard system is recommended to broadly disseminate information to stakeholders on the [ETE] initiative’s progress.”
The purpose of the Ending the Epidemic (ETE) Dashboard System is to measure, track, and disseminate actionable information on progress towards achieving New York State’s Ending the Epidemic Initiative’s goals to all interested stakeholders. For more information about the creation of the ETE Dashboard, read our initial launch blog post.
The ETE Dashboard was designed and developed by the Institute for Implementation Science in Population Health at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy of the City University of New York, in collaboration with the New York State AIDS Institute, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Data Subcommittee of the New York State End of the Epidemic Task Force. The ETE Dashboard project is funded by the New York State AIDS Institute.
Key Stakeholders

Our Team

The Ending the Epidemic Dashboard project team is based at the CUNY Institute for Implementation Science in Population Health, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy. We work closely with leadership and staff at the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute on planning, design, maintenance, and evolution of the ETE Dashboard System.
Our diverse team includes individuals with extensive domestic and international experience working in the fields of HIV/AIDS, epidemiology, dashboard systems, public health surveillance, epidemiological data analysis and dissemination, geographic information systems, and public health informatics.
Who We Are
Project Director, ISPH Executive Director
Project Associate
Project Manager
Project Assistant
Quality Assurance and Content Curator