Newly released 2019 ETE Metrics, HIV Surveillance, and PrEP utilization data now available on the ETE Dashboard
Newly released 2019 HIV surveillance and PrEP and PEP utilization data is now available on the ETE Dashboard’s data visualization platform. These interactive tools allow our users to view HIV care continua, trends among persons with newly diagnosed HIV, and trends in PrEP and PEP use by geographic area (e.g. Ryan White Region, county, UHF neighborhood), and by gender, age, race/ethnicity, and transmission risk group when available. Click on the links below to explore the data!
- HIV Care Continuum among all people living with HIV: NYS | NYC
- HIV Care Continuum among people with newly diagnosed HIV: NYS | NYC
- Trends among people with newly diagnosed HIV: NYS | NYC
- PrEP utilization
- PEP utilization

The ETE Dashboard’s newly updated ETE Metrics page presents the latest available data for both New York State and New York City, showing progress to date towards the official NYS Ending the Epidemic Initiative targets. Annual data is now viewable by race/ethnicity both at the Statewide and NYC citywide levels.