Release of 2018 annual PrEP use data in New York State
In 2018, 31,964 individuals in New York State filled at least one Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescription, an increase of 32% from the previous year. Among all PrEP users in 2018, 8,085 were Medicaid recipients and 23,879 were not Medicaid recipients.[i]
View these data on our newly updated interactive PrEP visualization, where data is now available both annually and semi-annually, stratified by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and region through the end of 2018.
Later this year, the ETE Dashboard will be releasing PrEP use data including demographic characteristics of PrEP users at the Ryan White Region level for the first time and updated data through June 2019.

[i] IDV® (Integrated Dataverse) from Symphony Health was used to extract prescription data for all payors with the exception of Medicaid. The Medicaid data is pulled separately from the NYS Medicaid Data Warehouse (MDW).