A key element of New York’s Ending the AIDS Epidemic Initiative’s three-point plan is to “Link and retain persons diagnosed with HIV in health care to maximize virus suppression so they remain healthy and prevent further transmission.” Newly released data on the ETE Dashboard from the AIDS Institute, New York State Department of Health show that of the 2,860 people newly diagnosed with HIV (aged 13 and over with a known HIV stage) in 2016, 75% were linked to care within 30 days and 65% were virally suppressed within 6 months of diagnosis.
These data are now available on anew interactive visualization on the ETE Dashboard that presents HIV care cascades for newly diagnosed persons in New York State. This care cascade (also known as the care continuum) describes and quantifies the percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV that have reached key sequential stages of engagement in HIV medical care. With this interactive tool, Dashboard users have the ability to view these care continua by geographic area (e.g. county, Ryan White Region) and population group (e.g. stratified by age, sex, race/ethnicity, or transmission risk).
An added feature on the page allows users to directly download and share customized HIV care continua via Facebook and Twitter using the social media share buttons located below the chart.
Interactive HIV care cascades among all people living with HIV (PLWH) for NYS are coming soon to the Dashboard. These visualizations, along with those currently posted for New York City (PLWH and newly diagnosed) are useful tools for both addressing gaps along the continuum of care and tracking our progress towards achieving some of the key ETE targets for New York.