One of the key strategies of New York State's plan to end the AIDS epidemic by the end of 2020 is to, "facilitate access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for persons who engage in high-risk behaviors to keep them HIV-negative."
While it remains a challenge to monitor access, use and adherence to PrEP at the population level across New York State, an analysis of three years of Medicaid claims and encounter data conducted by the NYS Department of Health AIDS Institute found that during July 2014 - June 2015, a total of 1,330 Medicaid recipients filled prescriptions for PrEP, a 339% increase over the previous 12 months. To read the full report, click here.
Based on the results from this analysis, we have built an interactive tool on the Dashboardthat allows users to view and filter the results by age, sex, region, race/ethnicity, and Medicaid program of the recipients who filled prescriptions for PrEP going back go to July 2012.
The findings from this report are subject to certain limitations: This analysis is based on administrative billing data and results must be interpreted with caution. Data submission errors and omissions may occur, particularly among the data describing the race and ethnicity of the recipients. Finally, the results count recipients of PrEP based on the filling of one prescription of Truvada, which does not tell us whether or not those persons are adherent to the PrEP regimen.
Despite these limitations, the findings suggest benefits derived from New York’s efforts to raise the awareness and knowledge of PrEP among persons at risk for HIV infection and the clinicians who care for them and can appropriately prescribe the regimen for their patients. This report focuses on results achieved among the state's Medicaid population, which accounts for approximately one quarter of the state's population.1
Source: Laufer, F.N., O’Connell, D.A., Feldman, I., & Zucker, H.A. (2015). Vital Signs: Increased Medicaid Prescriptions for Preexposure Prophylaxis Against HIV Infection — New York, 2012-2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,64(46), 1296-1301.
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