County- and region-level trends among persons with newly diagnosed HIV, 2008-2017
The number of persons with newly diagnosed HIV in New York State declined 39% between 2008-2017 (from 4,535 to 2,752).[1] A new interactive visualization on the ETE Dashboard presents trends among persons with newly diagnosed HIV in New York at the county and Ryan White Region level. Regional data is viewable by demographics (sex, age, race/ethnicity) or by transmission risk.

Users have the ability to view key HIV-related outcomes among people with newly diagnosed HIV such as concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnoses, timeliness of linkage to care and viral load suppression among persons with newly diagnosed HIV. One of New York’s key statewide metrics to track progress toward Ending the Epidemic by the end of 2020 is to “increase the percentage of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who reach viral load suppression within 3 months of diagnosis to 75%.” With this new tool, users will be able to view the progress among different populations toward reaching this goal.

[1] All newly diagnosed individuals reported in this post and on the new visualization are aged 13 and over with known HIV stage. By this definition, the number of newly diagnosed cases and other measures reported on this page may slightly differ from numbers reported and published elsewhere. Data source: NYS/DOH/AI Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology.