2024 National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
April 10th marks National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, an annual observance that raises awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on young people and the importance of prevention, testing, and treatment.
In New York State (NYS), people aged 13-19 accounted for 3% (73) of all new HIV diagnoses in 2022. Of those 73 people with newly diagnosed HIV, 53% were Black, 34% Hispanic, and 82% were male, of which 88% identified as men who have sex with men. Viral suppression within 3 months of diagnosis increased substantially from 23% to 60% between 2014 and 2022 among this age group. This highlights the importance of timely HIV treatment and care services for young people living with HIV/AIDS, particularly those who are at higher risk of acquiring HIV. Explore more demographic data on newly diagnosed New Yorkers living with HIV here.

For resources on discussing HIV with young people, please visit the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute’s website.