NYS Progress to End the AIDS Epidemic by the End of 2020

The 16 official ETE Metrics listed below are categorized into three sections that align with the NYS ETE Blueprint’s Three-Point Plan: 1. Diagnosis, 2. Care, and 3. Prevention.

Select metric below to view chart.

Most metrics can be stratified by sex, age, race/ethnicity. Learn more at ETE Data Directory.

1. DIAGNOSIS: Identify persons with HIV who remain undiagnosed

Bending the Curve

Achieve fewer new HIV infections than deaths by 2020


HIV Status Aware

Increase the percentage of persons living with diagnosed HIV with suppressed viral load to 85% by 2020

2020 Target: 98% | 2020 Actual: 94%

Select Filters

New HIV Diagnoses

Reduce the number of new HIV diagnoses by 55% to 1,515 by 2020

2020 Target: 1,515 | 2020 Actual: 1,933

Newly Diagnosed HIV (Persons with a History of Injection Drug Use)

Reduce the percentage of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who indicate a history of injection drug use to 2.8% by 2020

2020 Target: 2.8% | 2020 Actual: 3.3%

Concurrent AIDS Diagnoses

Reduce the percentage of persons with a diagnosis of AIDS within 30 days of HIV diagnosis to 15.0% by 2020

2020 Target: 15.0% | 2020 Actual: 19.1%

2. CARE: Link and retain persons diagnosed with HIV in health care
Linkage to Care After Diagnosis

Increase the percentage of newly diagnosed persons linked to HIV medical care within 30 days of diagnosis to at least 90% by 2020

2020 Target: 90% | 2020 Actual: 83%

Receiving HIV Medical Care

Increase the percentage of persons living with diagnosed HIV (PLWDH) who receive HIV medical care to 90% by 2020

2020 Target: 90% | 2020 Actual: 86%

Viral Load Suppression (Newly Diagnosed HIV)

Increase the percentage of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who reach viral load suppression within 3 months of diagnosis to 75% by 2020

2020 Target: 75% | 2020 Actual: 54%

Viral Load Suppression (PLWDH)

Increase the percentage of PLWDH with suppressed viral load to 85% by 2020

2020 Target: 85% | 2020 Actual: 75%

Viral Load Suppression (Receiving HIV Medical Care)

Increase the percentage of PLWDH who receive HIV medical care with suppressed viral load to 95% by 2020

2020 Target: 95% | 2020 Actual: 87%

Sustained Viral Load Suppression

Increase the percentage of PLWDH with sustained viral load suppression to 75% by 2020

2020 Target: 75% | 2020 Actual: 68%

Time to AIDS Diagnosis

Reduce the rate at which persons newly diagnosed with HIV progress to AIDS by 50% by 2020

2020 Target: 5.1% | 2018 Actual: 6.6%

HIV Related Death

Reduce the percentage of deaths directly related to HIV to 20% by 2020

2020 Target: 20% | 2019 Actual: 24%


Decrease stigma experienced among PLWDH to at least 25% by 2020

2020 Target: 25% | 2019 Actual: 29%

3. PREVENTION: Facilitate access to PrEP
PrEP Utilization

Increase the number of Medicaid recipients filling prescriptions for PrEP to 30,000 by 2020

2020 Target: 65,000 | 2020 Actual: 39,282

PrEP Utilization (Medicaid)

Increase the number of Medicaid recipients filling prescriptions for PrEP to 30,000 by 2020

2020 Target: 30,000 | 2020 Actual: 9,460

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